Menopause fatigue

Feeling Fatigued? How to regain your energy during menopause

Menopause is a natural process, bringing about a range of symptoms that can disrupt daily life. One of the most common and often overlooked symptoms is fatigue. Menopause (and perimenopause) fatigue is physically draining and can impact emotional and psychological well-being just when you may have thought life was getting back to normal after building careers or raising babies. 

In this article, we explore why it's common to feel extreme tiredness, energy dips and fatigue in (peri)menopause and what you can do to manage it effectively. 


What is menopause and perimenopause fatigue?

While it's normal to feel tired or overworked in this phase of our life, menopause and perimenopause fatigue feels unrelenting. It usually lasts longer, is more severe, and cannot be cured with rest alone. This constant feeling of being drained can zap your energy and motivation, make it difficult to concentrate at work and affect your overall quality of life. Many women experience this fatigue during perimenopause, menopause, and even post-menopause, but till now, it hasn’t been given the airtime as other well-known symptoms have.

But while common, it doesn’t have to be your new normal.


Why do we feel fatigued in perimenopause and menopause?

As you near menopause, your hormone levels go haywire. Fluctuating estrogen and progesterone levels can wreak havoc on your energy levels and sleep patterns. And if that wasn't enough, a decrease in progesterone levels also puts you at a higher risk for sleep apnea, while making it harder for you to relax.

In addition, declining estrogen leads to the changes in your brain that trigger hot flushes and night sweats which can also be what jolts you awake in the middle of the night. It's a vicious cycle – the more uncomfortable you are, the more frequently you'll wake up.

Thankfully, there are some measures you can incorporate into your daily (and nightly) routine to fight perimenopause and menopause fatigue. We share several below.


Six ways to combat perimenopause and menopause fatigue: 

1. Say yes to Soy and Flaxseeds: 

Did you know that by adding some soy products and flaxseeds to your diet, you can mimic the effects of estrogen in your body? As fluctuating estrogen tends to be the root cause of most (peri)menopause symptoms, soy-rich foods and flaxseeds may help towards balancing your hormones and alleviate some of your fatigue. 

 2. Eat spicy food in moderation: 

You may like fiery curries or spicy noodles, but in menopause, they don’t always like you. Some studies show Spicy food can make hot flushes worse, or happen more often, keeping you awake at night and disturbing your sleep. Avoiding these foods promotes more restful sleep to power you through the next day. 

 3. Move your body: 

Regular exercise, even if it’s a brisk walk around the block, releases feel-good hormones and improves blood flow to help you feel energised (now) and rest better (for the following day).

 4. Dress light: 

Again, the quality of sleep we get greatly affects how we feel the next day. Wearing lighter bedclothing or introducing more breathable sheets can help us regulate heat better, keeping hot flushes at bay and ensuring a more restful sleep.

 5. Choose natural sleep aids: 

While prescribed  or over the counter medications can help you to fall and stay asleep, it’s best not to rely on them long-term. Try other natural forms of relaxation, like limiting screen use in the evenings, meditation or reading a good book before bed. White noise apps and eye masks are also helpful if easily disturbed by noise and light. You may also like to choose a natural sleep supplement, like our Sleep formula. Powered by herbal and nutritional actives including Magnesium, California Poppy, and Hops, it’s a potent, natural formula that hastens sleep and alleviates night time waking. 

 6. Consider alternative therapies: 

While everyone’s menopause journey is different, so are our symptoms and the remedies we choose to help manage the stage we may be in. A well-balanced natural evidence-based supplement targeted to combat menopause fatigue is one option. Another is acupuncture, or clinical hypnotherapy 


While changes to our bodies during the perimenopause and menopause transition are normal, if you are concerned or something isn’t right, please see your trusted health professional. You can talk to them about your concerns, rule out any underlying health problems, and work together to get you feeling like yourself again.

Only you know yourself best.



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